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Hi! I’m Carmen Nunez-Lagos, a Personal Growth practitioner specialized in Akashic Record readings.

My mission is to help you empower your being and create the results you deeply wish, in fully alignment with who you are.

It's actually much more than a simple reading! The key lies in the clearing of the root cause of any present or past life blocks that are hindering you from manifesting your highest path and purpose in this incarnation.


You will achieve your goals in a natural and effortless way. 


This work is especially useful if you wish to make a shift in your life:

  • if you feel stuck in any area of your life (family, love, relationships, career, finances...).

  • if you are at a difficult turning point in your life, eg. overcoming addiction, grief, difficulties in conceiving a baby, lack of self-confidence...

  • if you want to gain clarity about your vocation and mission.

  • if you want to start a new project.

Meg Pearson Podcast#6-Carmen Nunez-Lagos-akashic record readings

Click to listen: An interview about my work with the Akashic Records.

With this conscious work on yourself you'll uncover your true potential and become a deliberate creator of your reality.


For more information please browse through my website and do not hesitate to reach out with your questions or ask for a free 15-min introductory chat.

 About Me

Passionate Life Coaching Professional

Soul Realignment advanced practitioner since 2012, I’ve been successfully coaching clients in the USA (NY, LA, Colorado), Costa Rica, Europe (France, Germany, Spain, GB), and facilitating their self-growth by reading their Akashic Records.


If you are feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands or stuck in your projects, my services aim to introduce clarity, self-empowerment and motivation for you to find your unique path and purpose.
If you wish to shift a relationship or your career, I'll help you clear the negative patterns and find a new alignment that makes you feel loved, happier and rooted.


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Aligning  Thoughts, Emotions & Actions


At Conscious, Unconscious

& Superconscious levels

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"You have to have a session with Carmen. Just go with an open heart and and an open mind and you'll love it!"

"I absolutely love having sessions with Carmen. We had a few. The first one was incredible because she told me the origin of my soul."

"There were other things she told  me that I took, and later I would think about her and say Oh my god it's exactly what Carmen said. She brought up things about me that were dormant or somewhere in there."

"You might feel a little bit entangled, confused or stuck, then you have a conversation with Carmen and then you go oh ok, well that makes sense that's an incredible perspective I haven't though about but now that she says it it makes more sense vs what I was thinking about..."

—  Paola, Intuitive Coach



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On any First booking of your choice

Akashic Readings
1 on 1 Sessions



Find a Fulfilling Place with Others

Life Coaching Session

Get the Most

out of Life



Embrace Your True Gifts to Fulfill your Soul Purpose



Be in Harmony

with your House

The evolution of our individual consciousness paves the way toward the evolution of our collective consciousness.

This individual-collective evolution, more than anything else, can and must change this world.

Ervin Laszlo, You can change the world 



Want to hear more about how I can help you shift your life?

Are you interested in Akashic Record Online Courses?
Contact me today using this form, by email or phone.

+34679175974 / Whatssap / FaceTime

Sat on the Rocks

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